Thursday, February 25, 2010

Baby bathing tips: infant bath temperature

Many latter-day parents are experiencing some difficulties in the first baby bathing, because they do not know what to do with this and which infant bath temperature to choose. In fact, at first, the process of bathing may seem rather complicated, and parents need special attention. It is at first, when you must be extremely careful to avoid the most common mistakes. Once you get used to it, you and your baby will truly enjoy the process of bathing!

Here are 10 basic tips for bathing infants and infant bath temperature:

1. Never leave your baby alone in the bath. This is of particular importance. There should be no fuss and make sure you are not distracted. Even if someone calls you in the door or by phone, do not leave the bathroom, just do not pay any attention to it. If necessary, wrap a child in a thick towel and take with you, but never leave him unattended.

2. Infant bath temperature should be around 36-38 degrees Celsius. Most infants prefer cooler water than adults, so it is best to use a thermometer to make sure the water temperature is suitable for your baby. If you use automatic water heater, check the temperature setting twice. Maximum infant bath temperature can be 45 degrees Celsius. Also, if you mix hot and cold water, make sure the result is a desired water temperature.

3. Fill the tub for baby bathing no more than 10 cm deep. Although the amount of water will seem too small, it is quite enough to bathe a baby. Remember that too much water can be dangerous for a baby, so do not risk.

4. Remember that it is very slippery in the bath, so you will need to prevent baby sliding inside of it in advance. This can be achieved due to a special mat on the bottom of the tub. At the same time, your hands will be free, and you will not have to always hold a baby.

5. Prepare everything you need in advance, namely:

- Two dry and warm towels;

- A soft sponge;

- Ph-neutral soap for babies;

- Clean clothes;

6. Pay attention to the metal drain hole. It is best to put on a special coating on it. You can purchase it at any children’s store.

7. Do not overdo with the use of soap and shampoo. It is important to use soap and shampoo, designed for infants, and in some cases it is better not to use neither one nor the other. Also, never wash a baby’s face with soap - it is enough to wash it simply with warm water.

8. Make sure your baby is unable to reach the faucet. Sometimes, it might seem it is difficult enough to open the valve with water, but it may be quite different, and this may lead to unintended consequences.

9. It is always better to bathe a baby with a partner, relative or friend. This helps expediting the process of bathing and make it more secure.

10. Remember, there is no need to bath your baby too often. Newborn babies should be bathed about once every three days.


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